About CKI

About CKI

CKI is a network and community of Customs professionals, formed for the purposes of knowledge sharing and education.  It started as a collaboration between Irish and Lithuanian professionals, representing the extreme East and West of the EU, and has since expanded to include professionals from the UK, many other EU countries, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas.

Our main activities are the production of Customs training and certification through Customs Knowledge Institute, and developing and operating the Customs Knowledge Community (CKC).  Professionals join CKC, a membership community for knowledge sharing, networking, and formation and promulgation of consensus views on current Customs issues.  Training courses and other products are produced by members of the CKC, who also collaborate bilaterally in various projects. 

The legal form is that of a not-for-profit company, registered in Ireland as Customs Knowledge International CLG, registration number 702016.  This type of company is governed by trustees, who cannot receive any dividends or profit distributions from the company and whose interest in the company cannot have any monetary value.  The company itself must apply all income to the educational purposes for which it was formed.  The company cannot be sold, and if it is wound up, any assets must be donated to another educational not-for-profit entity.

The Directors of CKI are the Trustees of the company along with elected members of CKC.


To build a truly international community of Customs professionals for the purposes of:

  • Providing peer support for Customs practitioners whether engaged in trading entities, in professional practice, in academic roles, or in other roles requiring engagement with Customs law and process;
  • Publishing and promoting consensus views on issues of Customs policy and practice, whether in individual countries or globally;
  • Commenting publicly on developments in Customs policy and practice;
  • Supporting the interests of members, particularly by promoting the highest standards of professionalism among Customs practitioners;
  • Developing a universally recognised centre of excellence for Customs training and Certification, providing training from basic to expert standard with continuous professional development, and working in collaboration with like-minded training providers, Universities and other third-level institutions.