2020-04-07 2024-05-13 14:43Business

Our mission
To build a truly international community of Customs professionals for the purposes of:
- Providing peer support for Customs practitioners whether engaged in trading entities, in professional practice, in academic roles, or in other roles requiring engagement with Customs law and process;
- Publishing and promoting consensus views on issues of Customs policy and practice, whether in individual countries or globally;
- Commenting publicly on developments in Customs policy and practice;
- Supporting the interests of members, particularly by promoting the highest standards of professionalism among Customs practitioners;
- Developing a universally recognised centre of excellence for Customs training and Certification, providing training from basic to expert standard with continuous professional development, and working in collaboration with like-minded training providers, Universities and other third-level institutions.
Training and Certification
Live training
CKI members give training sessions as speakers or take part in them free of charge or at a discounted rate. The CKI’s live training sessions are administered by CustomsClear. Explore upcoming CKI/CKC live trainings in the News section and on the CustomsClear events page.
Video courses
“Customs Knowledge Institute Podcast” is a monthly series exploring the dynamic field of customs and trade compliance. Joined by industry experts, the show tackles pressing issues like regulatory changes, EU Customs Reform, UK Customs developments, export control and sanctions, liabilities and responsibilities, professional threats, evolving roles and much more. Ideal for consultants, customs brokers, lawyers, traders, freight forwarders and anyone involved in the international supply chain, this podcast provides crucial insights into a rapidly changing landscape. Listen to the CKI-podcast.
TBA soon
TBA soon
Customs Knowledge Community (CKC)
An international community of customs and trade experts!
Benefits of joining
- Get to know and make contact with experts in different roles, different aspects of customs & trade, and in different countries.
- Receive and contribute regular information on topics of interest to the members.
- Members’ online forum, meetings and webinars.
- Help to design webinars, conferences and training courses organised by CKI.
Who should join?
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in customs and trade issues. Those most likely to benefit from membership are those wishing to develop their own knowledge and expertise, those seeking professional expertise, and those offering expert services. It could include customs brokers, consultants, academics, professionals in trading companies, and companies involved in international trade or education.
How do I join and what does it cost?
Personal Membership is €120 annually (€10 per month).
Corporate Membership is €1,200 annually (€100 per month) with an unlimited number of participants per company.
Joining is easy – click “JOIN CKC” on the toolbar above, and provide us with some simple information. We will invoice you, and on receipt of your payment, you will be enrolled as a member and issued a username.
How does it work?
You will have access to the CK Community forum, where you can raise issues and contribute to discussions. CKI will raise specific issues, asking for your views and suggestions – for example, the agenda for the next meeting, the composition of planned training courses, or possible topics for webinars. In turn, you can raise queries, make suggestions, circulate information, or ask for help with particular problems. Every 6-8 weeks we will have an online meeting to discuss topics suggested by CKI or by members, where you can see and hear the other members and discuss issues on a “Chatham House Rule” basis.
Structure and Rules
Members should be able to contribute to the discussions on the Members’ Forum, and for that reason should have an active involvement in some aspect of customs and/or international trade.
Formal Structure
The object of the CK Community is to enable professionals, educators, organisations, companies engaged in international trade, and interested individuals to liaise with each other, share information and knowledge, and collaborate, for the general purpose of developing education in the law and practices affecting international trade, including customs, taxes, regulations governing the movement of goods, transport, terms of trade and international contracts.
The day-to-day activities of the Community will be managed by a Moderator, initially Anthony Buckley, Director of CKI, with such assistance as CKI may agree is required. The Moderator shall decide whether to admit new members to the Community, and may remove Members in cases of egregious behaviour, subject to approval by the Management Council at the earliest opportunity.
The strategic direction of the Community, major Community activities and events, and all issues affecting the Community membership, excluding financial matters, shall be decided by a Management Council. The Management Council shall initially consist of the Moderator and such other Directors of CKI as choose to join. The Management Council shall decide on its own composition, admitting or removing members as it sees fit, with the following constraints:
- The Moderator shall chair the Management Council.
- Members of the Management Council must be paid-up members of the Community;
- Directors of CKI are entitled to membership of the Management Council subject only to their also being paid-up members of the Community, and may not be removed by vote of the Management Council;
- The number of members of the Management Council, excluding the Directors of CKI, should not exceed seven.
Members of the Management Council must be natural persons (i.e. not corporate bodies), but a person who is part of a corporate member of the Community is eligible to join the Management Council even if s/he is not an individual member of the Community. A member of the Management Council may, with the approval of the Moderator, appoint a substitute to attend meetings on his/her behalf.
The financial affairs of the Community shall be managed by CKI. The level of fees for membership, the collection of such fees, the disbursement of monies, and all decisions involving costs or revenue shall be matters for the Board of CKI.
The CK Community is a standalone association of individuals and corporate bodies.
- Members of CK Community are not automatically members of Customs Knowledge International CLG trading as Customs Knowledge Institute and referred to as CKI, although members of CKI may also be members of CK Community.
- The Community facilitates interaction between members under the oversight of a Community Moderator.
- Members will receive communications from the Community and may communicate with the Community.
- Members will have free access to meetings, webinars and discussions hosted by the Community
- Members will have preferential (discounted) access to CKI training.
- The membership fees will be €120 annually (€10 per month) for individuals, and €1,200 annually (€100 per month) for corporate membership. The Board of CKI may set new membership fees, or adjust them for part of a year. The Management Council will be consulted on any proposed change in fees. A member who resigns from the Community in the course of a year may have any resulting overpayment of fees refunded. A member whose membership is terminated by the Moderator or Management Council will not be entitled to a refund.
- Members will have a facility to post queries, comments etc. that will be visible to all members.
- Corporate members will manage access within their own organisations. There is no limit on the number of individuals who may use a corporate membership.
- CKI will keep the Community informed of developments and relevant new information.
- The Community will be consulted by CKI on initiatives, training courses and other activities of CKI from time to time.
- Members of the Community may post offers of work, enquiries, requests for information, comments, links to articles and other content. Members may not use material posted on the Community outside of the Community without the permission of the author.
- Any person who operates in the Customs environment in any capacity is eligible for membership of the Community.
- The purpose of the Community is to connect customs professionals for their mutual information and benefit. The Moderator, with the approval of the Management Council reserves the right to deny membership or to terminate membership without stating a reason. This would normally occur where CKI deem the applicant to be unsuitable, or where a member behaves in a disruptive or unsuitable manner.
- Members are expected to contribute actively to the Community with ideas and deeds, to develop a growing and happy community of customs passionate people in the CK Community. Expectations of Community members include –
- Participation and collaboration in various educational projects;
- Spreading information and knowledge about CKI; and
- Actively promoting CKI products, projects and initiatives.
About us
Meet our members

Anthony Buckley

Kevin Shakespeare

Enrika Naujokė

Zandra Horgan

Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang

Dr Momchil Antov

Monika Bielskienė

Pieter Haesaert

Armin Belle

Boryana Peycheva

Bárbara Barros García

Kjetil Tronstad Lund

Diego Testa
# We only publish information about those CKC members who have consented to its publication.
# The Directors of CKI are the Trustees of the company along with elected members of CKC.
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